Sunday, September 23, 2018

Wet, Dry, Try

As part of our Handwriting Without Tears program our Fawn Friends practice writing upper case letters on chalkboards.  Each writer is given a chalkboard that I have prepared with the two letters for the week written (one on each side). They use a wet sponge to trace the letter, then a dry one to trace the lines left by the wet sponge. Then they try to write it on their own tracing over the letter that can be seen as it dries. The drag of the chalk really helps train the brain to write the letters using the correct formation.

Last week we focused on E and F. These are "frog jump" letters. We learned that we always start our letters at the top. With the F we say "Big line down, Frog jump (back to the top), little line across, little line in the middle." E is the same wording with one extra little line ;-) This is the language we will be using to teach upper case and lower case letters this year.

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