Wednesday, January 8, 2020

How Can We Help the Living Things At Spencer School Survive?

We have taken the jump into a new science unit!! We are on the journey to answer the question;
"How can we help the living things at Spencer School Survive?"
We started by watching a video of a beaver making it's home. We learned that Beavers need trees to survive because they provide food and shelter. Ask your learners what else they learned from the video!
We also started filling in our first K.L.E.W.S chart. We use these charts to record our science thinking and learning. There are 5 columns...
What we KNOW
What we LEARN
What       EVIDENCE we have
What we WONDER
 What       SCIENCE VOCABULARY we have learned....
Take a look...

I added our first piece of learning to the chart under "Science Vocabulary"
Each science unit has specific vocabulary that learners are expected to know.

Scientists were then asked to record what they already knew about living things after having watched the video. They were so excited to add to our chart!

Turns out we new that Plants and Animals are living things. We've also learned that they need food, shelter and water!!
Can't wait to see how much more we can learn about living things to help us answer our big question!

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