Thursday, December 12, 2019

3rd Grade Buddies

Today Mrs. Garza's third grade class came to our room to teach us all about Michigan's Native Americans. Ask your child what he or she learned today!

Attribute Blocks

Last week mathematicians learned about shape attributes. They used words like large, small, thick and thin to sort shapes into categories. It was great work and wonderful to see and hear their conversations!

Thinking and Learning Time Week of December 9

Take a look at what we are up to this week...

"He Can Run" Little Book...
Below you see the heart words your children focused on this week while reading the newest little book about the Gingerbread Man!

This week our readers and writers went around the room to find pictures of things with three sounds on little gingerbread man cards. I was so impressed with all of the sounds they heard!! You really can read this work!!

Here you see thinkers matching upper and lower case letters and finding a picture that has the same beginning sound. Then they use their best sound spelling to write the word to  match the picture. It has been great work!

Below you see learners using their knowledge of letter sounds and segmenting words with three sounds to match pictures to words. They are to pick a card, sound it out and color the gumdrop with the word written in it.
Great thinking by all!

Step Inside Weather Thinking Routine

On Friday we used the thinking routine "Step Inside" to think deeply about weather. First, we met with the other kindergarten classes and read a book about forecasting. We discussed how meteorologists are scientists who study the weather. We also learned that a forecast is the prediction that meteorologists make to inform people of the weather. We learned that forecasts are important to help us prepare for the weather everyday.
The Fawn Room Meteorologist tells us the weather daily. We record both the temperature and the weather. Each group was posed with the challenge of "Stepping Inside" a certain kind of weather day. Take a look ...

Final Thoughts!